Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back again!

So, it's been awhile. This downtime has mostly been caused by me getting a Playstation 3. Not very retro perhaps, but at least I can play Castlevania: Symphony of the Knight and Kula World on it. Oh, and let's not forget the latest gift to us retro gamers from the 8-bit gods at Capcom, Mega Man 9. Suffice to say, I think it's awesome, thoughI am a bit embarressed by the fact that I've only beaten three bosses so far.

I've also acquired a Mega CD, and I'm planning to acquaint myself with Snatcher very soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on getting the PS3, Franky. Although it's not retro on the surface there are some great games on PSN that were definitely inspired by the classics. I recommend checking out Super Statrdust HD if you're a fan of shooters like Asteroids.

By the way, do you also already have a 360? If you don't, you may want to take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on right now where you can win one (or another PS3, your choice). The contest ends tomorrow, but there are less than 425 entrants right now and you can also win prizes like Rise of the Argonauts and 6 Hour Power energy shots. To enter, simply design a 6 Hour Power t-shirt (which is surprisingly easy to do online). For contest details, go here:

By the way, I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I work with 6 Hour Power so if you have any questions about the contest or our drink just let me know. Be sure to tell me if you enter too, and I'd be happy to vote for your design. Good luck.

Franklin Keane