Sunday, August 17, 2008

Famicom Yarou! Vol. 2, 7-in-1, Famicom

Here's an interesting multicart. For starters, it's got a pretty unusual shape.

Here's how the cart looks from the front:

And here's the back.

And the menu screen:

It's not animated in any way, but there is music, in this case Battle Hymn of the Republic. But it's the games that are the weirdest.

You can't really guess from the names, but each game on this cart is a pirated version of another game, but with both graphics and music replaced. Let's go through the list:

1. Frog Prince 106
Super Mario Bros. Yes, the main character is a frog. He drinks magic potions to turn into a human boy with a baseball cap. Pretty weird.

2. Bounce Ball 200
Pinball. Not much to say here, the weirdest thing is that on the bonus screen, Mario holding the paddle is replaced by a safe on wheels.

3. Spar 301
Urban Champion. The characters seems to have been replaced with Orcs or Goblins.

4. Cobra of Sky 402
Raid on Bungeling Bay. Redone with a Sci-Fi theme.

5. Rescue Kuck 503
Donkey Kong Jr. Weirdest name on this cart?

6. Bounce 604

7. Surface Fire 705

Overall, a few good games with weird makeovers.

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